Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had a wonderful Valentine's Day. With Daddy's help, Sam gave me a Lightning McQueen card, which I will treasure forever! :) We made Red Velvet Cupcakes with red sprinkles, and Sam loved them! It is so fun being a Mom, I love it!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Saint Samuel :)

Our sweet Sam has been showing his reverent side lately! We know that he is very impressionable, and so we try and teach him by example. A week or two ago, he started to say "Amen!" after we prayed. Soon afterwards, he began to fold his arms. He has been getting better and better each day. Just yesterday, I gave him some lunch in his highchair, and then walked away to pick up around the house. When I looked back, he was sitting there patiently with his arms folded, and wouldn't eat lunch until I prayed!

I asked him to fold his arms so I can take a picture, so here he is practicing!

We love our Sam!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Living in Florida has a lot of advantages, and one of them is our proximity to so many fantastic places to visit. We are not far from Savannah, so last weekend we decided to zip up there and explore the historical downtown. Our friends, the Andrew's, came up as well, and we had a blast!

This is a great example of the beautiful southern trees that line the streets of Savannah. As you can see from how bundled up we are, we were having unusually cold weather!

This is a really gorgeous old fountain in Forsyth Park. Sam is showing off his climbing skills. Yikes!

We enjoyed some delicious southern food at Paula Deen's restaurant...fried chicken, fried catfish, black-eyed peas, fried corn bread, sweet potatoes, and her famous "Ooey-Gooey Butter Cake!" It was amazing and heart-stopping all at the same time. Yum!

On our way back, we decided to stop off at the beach and we found this spot that you are allowed to drive on (It's hard to tell from the picture, but that is ocean right behind them) so we let Sam sit on Daddy's lap and steer...Sam LOVED it!
Even though it was freezing, we still had a great time.
Our trip was wonderful, and we enjoyed every minute of it. Today is another story. I've often wondered what my house would look like if I wasn't constantly cleaning up after Sam around the clock, and unfortunately I no longer have to wonder. Let me back up for a minute - there is a really bad stomach virus going around, and I seem to have caught it. I spent the entire night throwing up, and so I am completely worn out. All I had the strength to do all morning was lay on floor and get hit in the head with flying legos (thank you Sam) and watch as Sam systematically tore our apartment apart. Sam was as happy as a clam to do all of his exploring uninterrupted by mommy. All of the DVD's are now separated from their cases and thrown about, the seat cushions of the couch are thrown on the floor, every toy he owns is scattered about, and intermixed with the toys are all of our canned food items from our pantry. Our bookshelves are looking as empty as our pantry, which is a pretty impressive feat considering our shelves are 9 feet tall and that Sam had to scale them to get the books off. With how sick I feel, my energy level is at a zero, so all I can do is sit here and think about how clean my home was before Sam woke up this morning. All things considered, I've been better.