Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sharks and Sunsets

As we have been exploring our new surroundings, we've come across some pretty neat places. This week, we went to the Fishermen's Village. It is right on the water, and if you are there when the boats come in from a day of fishing, the fish that they caught are displayed for all to see on the docks.
There is plenty to do in the village, including an Aviation and Military Museum that we visited. Sam loved seeing all of the war airplanes, and the kind folks running the museum loved Sam, so they gave him an American flag. It was pretty cute!

After we walked around the Fishermen's Village, we took a sunset cruise in the ocean. Sam LOVED riding in the boat. He was so excited! He found a boy on the boat and immediately went to his side, excitedly asking question after question.

Sam-"Hi! A boat! Vroom!"
Boy-"Yes, we're on a boat."
Sam-"See a shark?"
Boy-"Nope, no sharks."
Sam-"See a turtle?"
Boy-"Nope, no turtles."
Sam-"See Nemo?"
Boy-"Nope, no Nemo."

It went on like this throughout the boat ride. It was pretty funny to see him successfully interact with someone without me translating.

The other day as I was getting Sam dressed into a blue, plaid, button-up shirt, Sam said: "Cool shirt Mommy! A blue shirt! Cool!" This is the first time Sam has made any acknowledgement towards the clothes he wears, and I couldn't believe my ears when he said it. Is my toddler really growing up this fast? Yikes!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

One Proud Wife

As promised, here are some pictures from Aaron's graduation. I am so proud of my husband, and all of his accomplishments.

I can't help but think back to the day we drove our moving truck away from everyone and everything that was familiar to us. I was 7 months pregnant and Aaron was about to begin graduate school. As Aaron's family waved goodbye to us as we drove away, we were suddenly afraid. Afraid of starting a new life across the country, afraid of having a baby with no family around, afraid of the difficulties graduate school would bring...afraid of being adults. But, here we are. We made it through the graduate program, with a diploma and a toddler to show for it.
Between classes, somehow Aaron managed to work at a job, as well as spend time with his wife and son. He did an exceptional job, and I know that he will continue to do an exceptional job at whatever he does. I am one proud wife.

Aaron passed his boards a few days ago, so he is now certified! Thank you for working so hard sweetheart. We love you.

We were lucky enough to come spend some time with the Aaron's family for the Fourth of July, and we are having a wonderful time. It is so fun to see Sam play with his cousins. He is still working on learning to share, so thank you Jen and Nicole for understanding that it is a work in progress, and that he loves his cousins even if he has a hard time understanding the concept of sharing :) Next time we come, the cousins will see an improvement, I promise! :)

We are heading back East tomorrow, and even though we are still a little bit afraid of the uncertainties ahead of us, we are excited to begin yet another new chapter of our life.